Fairfield Republicans

I am maintaining this blog page in an effort to provide information on activities and events to conservatives in Fairfield, Ohio and surrounding areas. This page will feature items of interest and links to information from the Butler County Republican Party and from the City of Fairfield. It is my hope that by utilizing this forum, we will be able to share ideas and information that will make our Party, our City, and our Neighborhoods better than ever!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Commissioner Mike Fox to resign Wednesday

HAMILTON — County Commissioner Michael Fox plans to resign Wednesday to try his chances at being the next executive director of Butler County Children Services.

Fox has been grappling with the decision for months, but said he knew he has to resign from his post as commissioner to even be considered for the job by his fellow two commissioners.

"It's like being in an airplane and jumping out with a parachute you're not sure will work," Fox said about his decision. "It's an act of faith. It comes down to where can I do the most good."

Fox will be leaving behind a 32-year political career as a county commissioners and state representative.

The county commissioners are scheduled to vote Monday to disband the governing board of Children Services and merge the agency with the county Department of Job and Family Services.

The plan is a result of the fallout from the August death of foster child Marcus Fiesel.
Without Fox, the commissioners also plan to pass a resolution to open the search to replace fired Executive Director Jann Heffner, who left the position Friday.

from the journal-news


  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger VikingSpirit said…


    Who do you think will replace Fox and Mosketti?

  • At 2:08 PM, Blogger Matt Hurley said…

    Excellent question, VS...

    That's my question too... :)

  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Scott said…

    I've heard that Don Dixon is interested in the Commissioner's seat. Also, State Rep. Shawn Webster may enter the race.

    The list for the Treasure's position continues to grow - So far I've heard Nancy Nix, Dave Davidson, Don Spurlock, Donna DeFazio & Scott Owens are interested. I'm sure that a few more names will be added to the list - a couple might drop out too.


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