Fairfield Republicans

I am maintaining this blog page in an effort to provide information on activities and events to conservatives in Fairfield, Ohio and surrounding areas. This page will feature items of interest and links to information from the Butler County Republican Party and from the City of Fairfield. It is my hope that by utilizing this forum, we will be able to share ideas and information that will make our Party, our City, and our Neighborhoods better than ever!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Butler County CSB does the right thing!

This just in from the "better late than never" department.

Kudos to the members of the Children's Services Board for ending the political gamesmanship and looking to move the agency forward.

from the Journal News 4-20-07

CSB fires executive director

By Candice Brooks Higgins
Staff Writer
Thursday, April 19, 2007

HAMILTON — First she resigned, then she rescinded her resignation. But Thursday night Butler County Children Services Executive Director Jann Heffner was "regretfully" fired by the agency's board after a closed-door meeting.

Heffner, who did not attend Thursday night's Children Services Board meeting, will collect about $26,000 remaining on her existing contract that would have ended June 30. Her last day is May 4. Heffner has no intention to file a lawsuit against the county, though that is not written into the deal, said Joe Bride, the board's consultant.

When she initially announced her resignation in February, Heffner said she had become a "target" of criticism since the August death of foster child Marcus Fiesel under the agency's watch. Board Chairwoman Frankie Carlson said Monday in a presentation before county commissioners that Heffner was a target — particularly of Commissioner Michael Fox — because somebody had to take the fall for the Middletown developmental disabled boy's death.
Thursday's action gets Heffner out fast as the commissioners wanted and in a way the county prosecutor recommended, Carlson said.

Commission President Gregory Jolivette has said he would support the $26,000 severance pay agreement for Heffner's quick departure.

Considering Heffner a victim of local politics, the board terminated her "with regret in order to spare Ms. Heffner further unwarranted humiliation and unfair outside political interference," according to the board's unanimous resolution.

"Jan Heffner has brought this agency a long way," board member Maurice Maxwell said. "As in any case, there should be some acknowledgement of her welfare for having done that. It's also far less than what we had originally proposed."

The board originally accepted Heffner's resignation effective April 15, but planned to keep her on payroll for 15 months. Heffner would have been special projects director until June 30. She would have earned about $26,000 — the same pay under her current $125,000-a-year contract. Then she would have worked from her Delaware County home near Columbus for another $110,000 until June 30, 2008.

However, the county commissioners and county auditor planned to block payment on the consulting contract. County Prosecutor Robin Piper also ruled it invalid. The board last week decided to rescind their acceptance of Heffner's resignation and try again.

Despite selecting Finance Director Jeff Centers as Heffner's replacement after her resignation announcement, the board decided to wait on selecting an interim director until its next regular — and likely last —meeting Tuesday. Board members said Centers could not attend Thursday's meeting and they wanted more time.


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