In response to the Journal-News editorial of Feb. 19th
The following letter from Chris Wunnenberg (West Chester Township) ran this weekend in response to an earlier editorial written & published by the Journal-News.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Will Rogers was poking fun when he said "I do not belong to an organized political party, I'm a Democrat." It was funny because the public recognized the truth in the line.
As we Republicans in Butler County have learned over the last several years, internal political squabbles are not restricted to the Democrats.
While some may believe disagreement is a terrible thing, and the JournalNews just loves to exaggerate its importance, I believe open discussions and airing differing opinions makes for a vigorous, healthy, growing organization.
The supposed "split" the JournalNews wishes to emphasize has been mending over the last year, and the "financial woes" are the party taking a major step in growing for the future.
The latest issue being stirred by the JournalNews is the Butler County Republican
Party's executive committee membership rules. The JournalNews has inaccurately reported that the party "booted out" some executive committee members for failing to make financial contributions.
The fact is that, by not paying the dues as required by the party bylaws, those persons had dropped their memberships. Every one of them was notified at least twice, and they were informed of the rules and the ramification of the delinquency. None of them had paid for 2006, so they are no longer executive committee members. It was not the party's wish that these folks decided not to renew their membership; it was their individual decisions.
I know of no organization that charges membership dues that allows members to continue after more than a year of nonpayment. I can't imagine that they could still get into the YMCA, Elks Club, swim club or the Rotary. Why would anyone pay if some continued in membership without paying?
It is also appropriate for the party's incumbent officeholders to help support the operations of the party that helps them in their elections, their fundraising, and in their ability to meet and establish contacts with other state and federal officials. Most already do, some at a greater level than is being requested.
But once again, why should the burden be put on only a few when, if shared, it is easier and lighter on all?
The party leadership is talking with the officeholders to come up with a fair policy. It's not a done deal nor "pay-to-play." There are no threats to anyone, and the financial support we are discussing is not from their office salaries, but from the campaign contributions that the Republican Party and Republican contributors help them raise.
It's not surprising that a few officeholders, who did not attend the discussion, would "go public" with misinformation. It might just be those same folks who haven't supported the party, and who seem to encourage a deeper split, do not want a stronger Republican Party.
I am pleased to inform the JournalNews and its readers that the Butler County Republican Party is strong, and will continue to grow and to support quality Republican candidates and officerholders.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Will Rogers was poking fun when he said "I do not belong to an organized political party, I'm a Democrat." It was funny because the public recognized the truth in the line.
As we Republicans in Butler County have learned over the last several years, internal political squabbles are not restricted to the Democrats.
While some may believe disagreement is a terrible thing, and the JournalNews just loves to exaggerate its importance, I believe open discussions and airing differing opinions makes for a vigorous, healthy, growing organization.
The supposed "split" the JournalNews wishes to emphasize has been mending over the last year, and the "financial woes" are the party taking a major step in growing for the future.
The latest issue being stirred by the JournalNews is the Butler County Republican
Party's executive committee membership rules. The JournalNews has inaccurately reported that the party "booted out" some executive committee members for failing to make financial contributions.
The fact is that, by not paying the dues as required by the party bylaws, those persons had dropped their memberships. Every one of them was notified at least twice, and they were informed of the rules and the ramification of the delinquency. None of them had paid for 2006, so they are no longer executive committee members. It was not the party's wish that these folks decided not to renew their membership; it was their individual decisions.
I know of no organization that charges membership dues that allows members to continue after more than a year of nonpayment. I can't imagine that they could still get into the YMCA, Elks Club, swim club or the Rotary. Why would anyone pay if some continued in membership without paying?
It is also appropriate for the party's incumbent officeholders to help support the operations of the party that helps them in their elections, their fundraising, and in their ability to meet and establish contacts with other state and federal officials. Most already do, some at a greater level than is being requested.
But once again, why should the burden be put on only a few when, if shared, it is easier and lighter on all?
The party leadership is talking with the officeholders to come up with a fair policy. It's not a done deal nor "pay-to-play." There are no threats to anyone, and the financial support we are discussing is not from their office salaries, but from the campaign contributions that the Republican Party and Republican contributors help them raise.
It's not surprising that a few officeholders, who did not attend the discussion, would "go public" with misinformation. It might just be those same folks who haven't supported the party, and who seem to encourage a deeper split, do not want a stronger Republican Party.
I am pleased to inform the JournalNews and its readers that the Butler County Republican Party is strong, and will continue to grow and to support quality Republican candidates and officerholders.
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