Fairfield Republicans

I am maintaining this blog page in an effort to provide information on activities and events to conservatives in Fairfield, Ohio and surrounding areas. This page will feature items of interest and links to information from the Butler County Republican Party and from the City of Fairfield. It is my hope that by utilizing this forum, we will be able to share ideas and information that will make our Party, our City, and our Neighborhoods better than ever!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Obama files suit in Ohio to keep polls open

Thank goodness we have Jennifer Brunner (D) as Secretary of State. We certainly wouldn't want long lines at the polls or a shortage of ballots to prompt cries of "disenfranchised voters" from the liberals!
- Scott



COLUMBUS, OH – Obama for America Ohio State Director Paul Tewes today released the following statement:“Due to reports of ballot shortages in Cuyahoga and Franklin counties, we requested a voting extension in those counties. The judge granted our request to extend voting in a number of Cuyahoga county precincts. We are working to ensure that every Ohioan who wishes to cast a ballot today may do so. Voters can call the Obama Hotline at 1-866-675-2008 to find their precinct.” said Tewes.The following precincts will be open until 9 PM this evening:

Precinct--3C Mt Olive Baptist Church3290 East 126th StreetCleveland
Precinct--3DMt Olive Baptist Church3290 East 126th StreetCleveland
Precinct--3QChurch of God of Cleveland11100 Union AvenueCleveland
Precinct---5-AMarion Sterling Elementary School3033 Central AvenueCleveland
Precinct--5-DLonnie Burton Recreation Center2511 East 46th StreetCleveland
Precinct--5ELonnie Burton Recreation Center2511 East 46th StreetCleveland
Precinct--5-IGeorge W Carver Elementary School2201 E 46th StreetCleveland
Precinct--5-K Giddings Elementary2250 E 71st StreetCleveland
Precinct--6 LOpen Door Baptist Church8215 Woodland AvenueCleveland
Precinct--6 MOpen Door Baptist Church8215 Woodland AvenueCleveland
Precinct--10 I & TMemorial School410 E 152nd StCleveland
Precinct--10 A, B, C, D, ESt Joseph Collinwood School14405 St Clair AvenueCleveland
Precinct--11-F (in list from josh not in one from ali)Salvation Army Grovewood17625 Grovewood AvenueCleveland
Precinct--15DFulton Branch Library3545 Fulton Road
Precinct--18 P Salvation Army17625 Grovewood AveCleveland


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