Fairfield Republicans

I am maintaining this blog page in an effort to provide information on activities and events to conservatives in Fairfield, Ohio and surrounding areas. This page will feature items of interest and links to information from the Butler County Republican Party and from the City of Fairfield. It is my hope that by utilizing this forum, we will be able to share ideas and information that will make our Party, our City, and our Neighborhoods better than ever!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Butler County GOP - Important Dates

It looks as though April is going to be a busy month!
Per an e-mail that I just received ...

April 10th: Party re-organizational meeting
April 12th: Screening of candidates to fill the County Auditor position
April 15th: Central Committee meeting to appoint new County Auditor

I'll keep you posted as additional details become available.

- Scott

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Democrats Block Access to Brunner's Testimony

I received this e-mail from the Ohio Republican Party today. Yet another example of liberal hypocrisy! Well worth reading.

Brunner, Dann fight to keep deposition secret despite pledge of transparency

COLUMBUS - Ohio Republican Party Deputy Chairman Kevin DeWine today released the following statement regarding Attorney General Marc Dann and Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's joint efforts to seal her taped testimony in a case involving her improper rejection of the Summit County GOP nominee to the Board of Elections:

"Democrats once again are trying to have it both ways, preaching transparency and openness at inauguration and then fighting tooth and nail to block public access today," said DeWine. "This runs completely counter to their public pledges of restoring trust and integrity in government."

According to the Youngstown Vindicator, Dann declared in his inaugural speech he would "[insist] on transparency and accountability in all government institutions, including his office" and "vigorously demand strict adherence to all open-record and sunshine laws." (David Skolnick, "Attorney General Outlines His Plans," Youngstown Vindicator, 1/9/07)

Apparently, that commitment was less than genuine, as attorneys from his office are now trying every legal maneuver to obstruct public access to Jennifer Brunner's taped testimony. Gongwer News Service reported yesterday that "Assistant Attorney General Richard Coglianese said the motion to seal was intended to protect the video of the Democratic secretary of state from becoming 'campaign advertising fodder' in the future." ("Secretary of State Asks Supreme Court to Seal Her Video Testimony," Gongwer News Service, 3/12/08)

What does Jennifer Brunner have to hide?

"This hypocrisy is precisely what undermines the public trust. Jennifer Brunner and Marc Dann were elected by pledging open, honest, and trustworthy government. How can they justify abandoning those promises which were so central to their campaigns?" added DeWine.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fairfield Community Events

Following are some upcoming Communtiy Events. Take a look, there's some interesting stuff here!

Fairfield Citizen's Police Academy

The Fairfield Police Department’s semiannual Citizen Police Academy gives residents a better understanding of police work and gives Fairfield police officers a better understanding of the expectations of our citizens.

The next Citizen Police Academy begins March 17. The class will be held on 10 consecutive Mondays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Fairfield Police Department at 5230 Pleasant Avenue, with one Saturday morning session at the Hamilton Police Firing Range.

The class is open to adults who live or work in the City of Fairfield. We have a casual classroom setting that is open to questions and discussion.

Applications are available by calling Officer Dennis Valentini at 513-896-8292.

5th Annual Home Improvement Expo
Fairfield’s popular — and free! — Home Improvement Expo returns to the Community Arts Center on Saturday, April 5.

The sixth annual event features a variety of contractors eager to share their knowledge to help residents with creative home enhancements large and small.

In years past, valuable door prizes have been given away amid informative presentations by exhibitors showcasing the latest concepts and designs in home improvement trends and techniques.

Political Quiz

Have you ever wondered where you rank on the Liberal versus Conservative scale? Take this quick quiz and find out!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Brunner's attempts to grab headlines will cost the taxpayers millions

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (D) has gone on a tirade calling Ohio's electronic voting machines unreliable. Citing sketchy reports, Brunner recently ordered that paper ballots and optical scanning machines be made available across the state. This obvious attempt to find a stage and a spotlight has already cost Ohio taxpayers millions. If left unchecked, it will undoubtedly cost millions more.

Brunner's selfish and shameless headline grabbing is finding ink in the press, but I doubt that this is the kind of story she was hoping for!

from the Cincinnati Enquirer

Brunner first opposed voting machine overhaul

COLUMBUS - The state's chief elections official was adamant in a letter to Congress last summer that a quick voting machine overhaul would be bad for voters. Six months later, she ordered exactly such an overhaul.

In the June 13 letter, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner lobbied against a federal effort to change how voters who use electronic touch-screen machines can read a paper record of their ballots.

Brunner wrote elections officials were just becoming comfortable with changes resulting from a 2002 federal mandate.

In December, Brunner ordered Ohio counties with touch-screen systems to switch to paper ballots because of security concerns raised in a study of the electronic touch-screen machines.

Brunner said Friday when she wrote the letter, the review of Ohio's touch-screen machines was not complete.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Obama files suit in Ohio to keep polls open

Thank goodness we have Jennifer Brunner (D) as Secretary of State. We certainly wouldn't want long lines at the polls or a shortage of ballots to prompt cries of "disenfranchised voters" from the liberals!
- Scott



COLUMBUS, OH – Obama for America Ohio State Director Paul Tewes today released the following statement:“Due to reports of ballot shortages in Cuyahoga and Franklin counties, we requested a voting extension in those counties. The judge granted our request to extend voting in a number of Cuyahoga county precincts. We are working to ensure that every Ohioan who wishes to cast a ballot today may do so. Voters can call the Obama Hotline at 1-866-675-2008 to find their precinct.” said Tewes.The following precincts will be open until 9 PM this evening:

Precinct--3C Mt Olive Baptist Church3290 East 126th StreetCleveland
Precinct--3DMt Olive Baptist Church3290 East 126th StreetCleveland
Precinct--3QChurch of God of Cleveland11100 Union AvenueCleveland
Precinct---5-AMarion Sterling Elementary School3033 Central AvenueCleveland
Precinct--5-DLonnie Burton Recreation Center2511 East 46th StreetCleveland
Precinct--5ELonnie Burton Recreation Center2511 East 46th StreetCleveland
Precinct--5-IGeorge W Carver Elementary School2201 E 46th StreetCleveland
Precinct--5-K Giddings Elementary2250 E 71st StreetCleveland
Precinct--6 LOpen Door Baptist Church8215 Woodland AvenueCleveland
Precinct--6 MOpen Door Baptist Church8215 Woodland AvenueCleveland
Precinct--10 I & TMemorial School410 E 152nd StCleveland
Precinct--10 A, B, C, D, ESt Joseph Collinwood School14405 St Clair AvenueCleveland
Precinct--11-F (in list from josh not in one from ali)Salvation Army Grovewood17625 Grovewood AvenueCleveland
Precinct--15DFulton Branch Library3545 Fulton Road
Precinct--18 P Salvation Army17625 Grovewood AveCleveland

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Angry Barack Obama bombarded by media

from the NY Daily News

SAN ANTONIO, Tex. - An exasperated Barack Obama scurried away Monday from the toughest news conference of his campaign, telling reporters who kept shouting questions that he'd spent enough time on the grill.

"Come on! I just answered, like, eight questions," Obama, looking surprised, told shouting reporters as he fled the room. "We're running late."

The Clinton campaign has long complained that Obama gets soft treatment from the press corps. But Monday's exchange was no pillow fight.

The first question was about a private talk an Obama economic adviser had with a Canadian official - reportedly saying that the harshness of Obama's criticisms of the North American Free Trade Agreement was for political show.

Last week, Obama denied an initial media report about the conversation. But after a Canadian government memo surfaced, he acknowledged yesterday there was a conversation.

"When I gave you that information, that was the information that I had at the time," he said. His camp still disputes the memo's account of the discussion.

The questioning then turned to Obama's links to ex-fund-raiser Tony Rezko, who went on trial in Chicago Monday on corruption charges. A reporter asserted Obama hadn't fully answered journalists' questions on Rezko.

Obama insisted he had - during a past news conference with Chicago media. But another persisted that questions remain unanswered, such as ones about fund-raisers Rezko held for him.

Obama replied, "These requests, I think, can just go on forever. ..." He said the "pertinent" information had been provided.

When Obama declared the press conference over, one reporter yelled that he was dodging questions just minutes after claiming he wasn't.

Tilton to replace Rogers as auditor

An excellent choice. He'll keep the office running at a high level of professionalism with minimal political jockeying.

This decision will also allow the Republican Central Committee adequate time to screen interested candidates and for the candidates to present their qualifications to so that an educated and informed decision can be made.

What do you know, sometimes the system works! :)

from the Journal News

HAMILTON — Butler County officials say the county's real estate director will temporarily replace Auditor Kay Rogers until the Republican Party makes its pick.

Mike Tilton will assume the position at a special meeting Wednesday, March 5, according to County Administrator Derek Conklin.

Rogers' resignation is effective at noon Tuesday, March 4, following her Feb. 4 guilty pleas to two felonies. Rogers pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to charges of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and mail fraud, and filing a false income tax return.

Tilton said he plans on making no changes to the department in his short tenure — he's really just signing the checks until the county GOP names a successor.

"Hopefully, we should be able to fill the position by mid-April," said Republican Party Central Committee Chairwoman Judy Shelton.

Because Rogers stayed with her party by voting Republican via absentee ballot on Monday, March 3, the party's 260-member central committee will pick a replacement, who would face re-election in the fall.

Committee members are up for re-election today, and Shelton said she wants to wait until a new committee is formed — possibly with dozens of new members — which could take more than a month.

"The appointment of the new auditor is a very important decision, and I think the process will not be rushed," she said.

Even if it's just for a month, Tilton will be carrying on a family tradition. His father, James, and grandfather, Ray, both were elected auditor. He has worked for the office roughly 28 years.
"I think he'll be fine in the short run," said county Commissioner Gregory Jolivette.

Jolivette said Tilton was not a political choice. "I didn't want to get involved in telling the party who they should pick," Jolivette said.

And Tilton said he doesn't want to keep the job. "I'm not one of the candidates for the permanent position," he said. "I'm excited to help make it a smooth transition for whoever ultimately takes the position."