Fairfield Republicans

I am maintaining this blog page in an effort to provide information on activities and events to conservatives in Fairfield, Ohio and surrounding areas. This page will feature items of interest and links to information from the Butler County Republican Party and from the City of Fairfield. It is my hope that by utilizing this forum, we will be able to share ideas and information that will make our Party, our City, and our Neighborhoods better than ever!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Another Strickland Scandal being swept under the rug!

As summed up by the Whistleblower ...

Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher announced Monday that he had accepted the resignation submitted by Frankie Coleman, assistant manager of Workforce Development at the Ohio Department of Development, effective Monday. Coleman had been under fire over questions on whether she had worked the hours she had submitted on her time sheet. Frankie Coleman is the wife of Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman (D). Yeah, Ted— the most ethical group of people ever. The manager who reported this fraud was fired the next day. She has extensive e-mail files showing she was communicating the facts to the personnel department for weeks over No-Show Frankie. The question remains, will Frankie Coleman be prosecuted for fraud on her false time sheet? Only Inspector General Tom Charles can tell us that. The investigation is still ongoing.

Read the full story at the following link


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